Quality Improvement Introduction
- Introduction...
- 1. Reduction in Ma...
- 2. WHO...
- 3. Basic needs for...
- 4. Logical Framewo...
- 5. Logical Framewo...
- 6. Logical Framewo...
- 7. Global Framewor...
- 8. Global Standard...
- 9. Regional Framew...
- 10. Regional QI fr...
- 11. Regional Plan ...
- 12. Regional Plan:...
- 13. Regional Plan:...
- 14. POCQI Point of...
- 15. QI at Point of...
- 16. Thanks...
Regional Adviser for Newborn,
Child and Adolescent Health,
New Delhi
1. Reduction in Maternal and Child Mortality
► Significant reduction in preventable mortality occurred
between 1990 and 2015 in SEAR:
♦ Maternal mortality declined by 64%
♦ Child mortality declined by 69%
♦ Neonatal mortality declined by 54%
► Decline was not enough to reach MDG 4 and 5 targets
despite increased coverage of MNCH interventions
► One of the reason is poor quality of care.
2. WHO
3. Basic needs for good quality care at the health facility
► Infrastructure: Physical space, electricity,
water, clean, safe surroundings
► Health workers: appropriate number and competencies
► Standard treatment guidelines are available
and practiced
► Equipment, medicines, supplies, lab
► Case monitoring and actionable information
► Patient communication, respect and satisfaction
4. Logical Framework Inputs – Process- Outcome
► Policies
► Physical infrastructure including basic amenities
► Finances
► Resources: People, Equipment, Supplies, Drugs
► Information Technology for case records. monitoring
► Support services and provisions for accompanying
5. Logical Framework Inputs – Process- Outcome
6. Logical Framework Inputs – Process- Outcome
7. Global Framework for Quality of Care
8. Global Standards for MNH
9. Regional Framework for QOC
10. Regional QI framework: Systematic process
► Getting started: Preparation
► Develop / adapt national standards of care and
assessment tool
► Assessment of current quality of care and identify
gaps in quality
► Improvement process:
♦ Create improvement teams
♦ Root cause analysis of the quality gap
♦ Identify appropriate solution
♦ Implement the selected solution: Collaborative approach
► Reassessment:
♦ To find out if implementation of the solution has
addressed the quality gap
► Success:
♦ Sustain: Supportive supervision, mentoring, continuous
♦ Celebrate: Recognition, award
♦ Pick-up another quality gap and set in the improvement
♦ Disseminate for scaling-up
► Failed: Apply another solution!
► Scale up
11. Regional Plan and Country Actions: Two Tracks
12. Regional Plan: Track – 2 Build capacity for QI at Health Facility
QI at Health Facilities:
► Improvements can be achieved with local action,
usually without additional resources
► Main steps:
♦ Identify the problem area in quality of care
♦ Identify the causes of the problem
♦ Make changes to improve the quality of care –
implement and learn
♦ Sustain the changed process (if successful)
13. Regional Plan: Track – 2 Build capacity for QI at Health Facility
► Tools for building capacity for QI at Health Facilities:
♦ In-service training / coaching
♦ On the Job mentoring – Supportive Supervision
♦ Pre-service education
♦ E-Learning resources
♦ Collaborative learning platform
14. POCQI Point of Care Quality Improvement
15. QI at Point of Care in health facility POCQI-4 Steps model
STEP 1: Identify the problem, form a team and write an AIM
STEP 2: Analyze the problem and measure quality of care
STEP 3: Develop and test changes
STEP 4: Sustain changes
16. Thanks
► Quality is never an accident…
► It is always the result of intelligent efforts!